Sunday, 9 March 2008


I have been glued to the TV screen for the past three hours or so. This seemingly endless wait for the electoral result is really terrible! Some of the latest rumours are pointing to a victory for the PN (Gonzi PN would be more appropriate!), but a friend of mine is still confident that the MLP might be declared as the winner. I really hope to know the result as soon as possible!


Andre said...

M'ghandix sabar nistenna.

I can't bare to watch another MLP defeat in the hands of that muppet.

David Cuschieri said...

I am afraid that we are going to have to endure another 5 years of Gonzi PN! :(((

At this stage, I strongly believe that the MLP should engage in a serious analysis of its orientation. This party needs to restructure itself so that the working class in Malta can identify with it and allow it to lead this country towards a much better future.

L-Imżebbel said...

Red, have you ever considered that perhaps the Maltese working class does not want to identify with our values? How are we to account for the huge percentage working people that worships a party that advocates economic neoliberalism? Do you think it's really possible to cultivate a strong class-consciousness among the Maltese workers?

David Cuschieri said...

L-Imzebbel: I surely do believe that it is possible to cultivate a strong class-consciousness among the members of the Maltese working class. The problem is that during all these years, all the political parties have drifted away from the reality of classes to discussing issues (such as the EU, IT, etc.). In this way, the hundreds of thousands of wage slaves in this country have been alienated about their real plight. The media itself rarely focuses on the families who are struggling on a monthly basis in order to make ends meet, in spite of working from morning till evening!

There is a lot of talk about new jobs here and there, but I can assure you that for many people, finding a job is easier said than done!

My hope is that a restructured MLP will focus more on educating the masses about how they are being exploited by a few ultra-rich individuals so that when the next election comes, the masses will choose a party that can truly safeguard their best interests.

L-Imżebbel said...

They would still vote PN, since as you said, they are alienated. U l-ħaddiem li hu tesserat mal-PN, lin-Nazzjonalisti se jivvota, tgħidlu x'tgħidlu, jiġri x'jiġri.

Besides, most middle-class people who voted PN in the 80s were probably working class labourites in the 60s and 70s. This is far more complicated than Marx saw it back in 1848.

David Cuschieri said...

L-Imzebbel: Your comments have been noted. The Maltese political situation deserves a profound analysis since it is a very particular one. Having said this, I believe that by being scientific and by using good techniques, it is possible to persuade thousands of people that the Socialist ideology is the best one for every country in the world.

Anonymous said...

all this points to the fact that rather than analyzing society through a marxist approach, it may seem more apt to use the Weberian theory. Class theory is not always - partiuclarly in this case - efficient. Have a look at Weber instead.

David Cuschieri said...

Thanks for the feedback, anonymous! Will read a bit on Weber and see what good ideas he has to offer! :)